Trumpadox: When Mass Repression Becomes The Solution to Everything
Hypothetically, Let’s Say that there is a Person who is a consistent supporter of President Donald Trump (also famously referred to as a “Trump Supporter”)… let’s call this person: Hoax. Hoax is a real person just like You, and Me, and everyone else who either does, or does not, feel the same way He does about select issues.
At heart, Hoax is a decent person. He has real priorities, real goals, real problems, real losses, real accomplishments, and positive distinctions. He is also above average intelligence, mentally. Hoax’s most noticeable difference from the majority is that he supports President Trump no matter what he says or does, regardless of where he says or does it/and ALL within any given timeline regardless of context.
Hoax doesn’t believe in flying pigs. It’s not that he doesn’t think — but HE JUST KNOWS — That Pigs. Can’t. Fly. So, one day you decide to show Hoax an actual flying pig — and yes, the two of you can literally see it with your own eyes — an actual and Factual flying pig. And just as you suspected, Hoax still doesn’t believe it. Because regardless of what his eyes see: Pigs. Can’t. Fly. End of story…
UNTIL… one day, at a staged conference of sorts, on live national television, Trump says, “Pigs CAN Fly.”
So, NOW, and without skipping a beat, Hoax has changed his tune. And he fully believes that Pigs CAN Fly, despite what you physically showed him prior. Not only does Hoax now believe that pigs CAN fly without Trump even bothering to show everyone on national television — an actual pig that can fly — but now… Hoax has ALWAYS believed that pigs CAN fly.
Except for that one time that you showed him an actual flying pig.
Because not only does Hoax now know that pigs have been able to fly for quite some time now, Hoax doesn’t even know what you’re talking about when you try to tell him about the actual flying pig that you showed him before. It’s like he can magically tune it out. Emotion defies Logic. Emotion rewrites history. Emotion unravels Logic. Logic is for Pussies.
But Why?
…Maybe it’s because that one flying pig couldn’t be disproven. It was there. It was real. You both saw it. And Trump’s statement: “Pigs CAN Fly” doesn’t have to prove that pigs can ACTUALLY fly because that’s not the point. And it’s not relevant. “My Rules, My Logic. Your Logic, My Rules… You will believe, as I say.”
Trump’s version of “Flying Pigs (and whether they can fly or not fly)” just needs to be supported by the unlikely possibility that the real thing could exist — but proving it’s existence won’t make a difference. It’ll just “prove” that Trump was right — when he actually wasn’t — because again, proving that pigs CAN fly is not important. But being RIGHT or CORRECT EVERY SINGLE TIME IS IMPORTANT, EVEN IF YOU’RE WRONG. EVERY SINGLE TIME. And most important of all: NEVER APOLOGIZE. EVEN IF YOU MEAN IT.
All that matters is that he sold it, and you bought it. He sold it. And they bought it. He sold it. And you bought it. He bought it. You sold it. You sold it. He bought it. He bought you. He bought me. He bought them. He bought us. His bought. His brain. His wash. Your brain. Your wash. His brain. His wash. Your wash. He washed. You’re washed. Your brain. His brain. We’re brain. We’re wash — And at some point it hit you; why Hoax supports Trump. And why maybe You should support Trump too… because he’s our president. At least that’s what Hoax says. You should support the president no matter what (Unless of course he’s a Democrat).
But Hoax doesn’t aggressively defend the president because he’s the president, or because he’s a Republican (ask Mitt Romney), he aggressively defends him because — He’s Trump, and by doing as Trump does in response: removing all energy for defense by applying it all toward the misdirection and the attacking of his opponents. No matter how complex or how simple… how important or petty… how insane or sincere, you would finally be given a free ticket: you would never have to argue with anyone ever again about YOUR politics. As your own person. Or, as a person in general: Pigs. CAN. Fly. Until They Can’t. You are determined.
And You are finally confident about everything that you say you believe in… just like He is. There’s no going back to whatever being a Republican used to mean to you — Shit, not even a pandemic can stop you now — Because from now on, YOUR Politics are HIS Politics, and they’re accustomed to being whatever you believe when you believe it. YOU need to be treated special.
No longer do your politics need to be defended, because they’re not yours anymore. They’re his. Someone else was allowed to step in, and do it for you. By seizing control, hijacking an entire political party solely to further HIS interests, and furthering and accomplishing HIS agenda (and maybe even some of yours — but not because you matter. YOU ARE NOT a person. YOU ARE NOT, well… You are Not Trump — IF you happen to have had enough dumb luck on your side). HIS AGENDA, FIRST. And HIS AGENDA, LAST.
Now, YOU want to be a part of that Agenda. He’ll even call it “America” just to let you feel like you might be included — not with “All of Us,” but with “The Rest of Us” by winning most of his arguments through Everyone Named Hoax, figuratively and literally. And the rest of them either through, or because, of YOU.
But what about an impeachment…?
“Who cares? Pigs CAN fly. Always have.”
Sexual assault allegations in the double digits…?
“Fuck it. Pigs CAN fly. He said so.”
Embezzling money from his own charity…!?
“Pigs ARE flying. And he’s a Christian.”
…But he went out of his way and withheld every witness in his administration that he possibly could from testifying during his impeachment…? He is CLEARLY guilty…
“Well, Pigs DO fly. And He Is the President. He deserves to be above the law (unless he’s a Democrat. Then, he deserves to be beneath the law.).”
Thousands upon thousands of documented — in physical print and on footage — lies on top of lies, and ALL just while in office, that has become such a sport… it could only be accomplished and won by a person who is both a malignant narcissist and a pathological liar?
“Fake. FUCKING. News. Liberal Media Propaganda BULLSHIT. Pigs FLYING around You in circles.”
If you begin to lose the argument, just say “Fake News.” If it doesn’t sound good to you or begins to sound scary to you, just call it “Fake News” or “The Liberal Media” or “Communism.” If it doesn’t do much good for you at a time when it does good for someone else, just call it “Socialism.” Because only two people need to be treated special: You. And Your president (Unless he’s Joe Biden).
And just remember that if you see a flying pig… Pigs. Can’t. Fly. Even when they can. Unless of course, HE says that they can, which equates to: They always have, and They always will — until He says that they don’t.
And I am always right, even though I’m always wrong. What I see and what I hear with my own eyes and ears doesn’t happen unless I admit that it happened. And Pigs. Don’t. Fly. Except for when I, AND ONLY I admit… That. They. DO.