Okay, Just Calm The Fuck Down Everybody. Shit.

So, Biden had a terrible night at the first debate… but guess what? Trump is still a rapist. And a felon. And a conman. And a cheater. And a nihilist. And an insurrectionist. And a professional victim. And a sociopathic cult leader. And a fascist Baby Huey… But most importantly, he’s still a bitch. And yes, this November, he will fucking lose like a bitch. AGAIN.

Jesse LT
4 min readJun 30, 2024
Photo Courtesy of afr.com

…Maybe you’ve heard by now, maybe you haven’t. But that first 2024 Presidential Debate in Atlanta this past Thursday…? Let’s just say… it could’ve gone better.

And as the fucking thing kept going, and as Biden kept stumbling, I refrained from reacting to his errors; ALL of them. Every single time Biden incoherently mumbled his lines (and oh boy, did he do it A LOT), or trailed off mid-sentence, or lost his train of thought, or started monotonously numbering off all of the problems he was sorta going to continue taking care of once he was reelected — anyway, I just took every mental face palm that I didn’t make physically during that debate, and I buried it deep inside my soul.

Joe Biden was obviously under the weather. He looked it. He sounded it. And getting sick, or getting a cold — is not something that is mutually exclusive to old people. On the bright side, it sure as shit made the “Biden is on drugs” camp over at Fox News shut the fuck up. Now, they can return to talking shit about just his age, and his troubled son — and their viewers will not notice.

Because I’ve seen and heard a lot of Joe Biden this past few years — especially in the past 6 months — his performance Thursday night, does NOT give an accurate representation of everything that he and his administration have accomplished so far, and more importantly — he is this country’s unpopular, elderly, white knight; fighting off a giant, smelly, deplorable, overweight village monster that’s now running for president just to stay out of jail.

Great Grandpa Joe and his bottomless Mason jar of Werther’s Originals — is trying to save us once again from the same foul-mouthed, degenerate, sex predator with stupid hair. A lazy, old, burnt orange, Diet Coke guzzling, pussy-grabbing Shrek that grifts and hocks $60 Bibles (even though he obviously has never read one) to his red hat-wearing donkeys and pawns; he’s the great cellulite swamp ogre of Mar-A-Lago that just can’t ever seem to stay the fuck out of trouble.

This election is bigger than Joe Biden. Much bigger. And his poor performance at the debate gave voters no choice but to reflect on exactly why they’re still going to vote for him anyway.

Photo Courtesy of The Howard Stern Show

At the end of April, Joe Biden gave an incredible 73-minute live interview on The Howard Stern Show. It’s an interview that should’ve been talked about by everyone, but wasn’t. The full interview is right here:


What is so important about the Howard Stern interview, is that it humanizes Joe Biden in a way that can’t be debated. It’s the real deal.

Joe Biden knows he’s fucking old. So it’s really depressing and dare I say even — a bit childish, for voters to even call that a major issue — when you take a look at the other choice.

It’s not like Joe Biden’s dragging around a fucking IV drip with him everywhere he goes. Even FDR was in a wheelchair during his presidency — and he fucking died before the end of his final term(!), and the country still survived.

Being “too old” seems to be everyone’s favorite attack on Joe because — it’s all they’ve got. It’s just so desperate.

If Joe Biden was running against a young, thin, well-spoken, handsome, 40-something year-old white nationalist — then there might be a problem. But he’s not.

Instead, he’s running against another old sack of shit (that’s also a white nationalist); one who is much, much dumber, and has verbal diarrhea of the mouth, with herpes.

In all sincerity, I like Joe. For years, I did not like him. But the man has endured a lot of fucked up shit. He gets no credit for the things that he does right.

He has assembled an impressive administration of officials; none of which have been convicted of any crimes, unlike Trump’s administration, in which, well… here’s a fun little Axios chart that you can start with, just to get an idea of what the tip of an iceberg looks like…

Screenshot Image Courtesy of Axios

There is no pick your poison here. There is no lesser of two evils here. If you live in America, this is common fucking sense. Grow the fuck up.

We’ve got two choices: old fuck, Sleepy Joe who stutters and eats ice cream but still actually does his job everyday… or — the fucking antichrist, who called dead American soldiers suckers and losers, told everyone to inject bleach, and has fashionably ruined red hats for everybody for at least a whole lifetime.



Jesse LT
Jesse LT

Written by Jesse LT

ADHD/bipolar award-winning screenwriter, actor/editor/film director/singer-songwriter; also known as Jesse Dorian https://ko-fi.com/jessedorian

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