‘A Quiet Place Part II,’ And The Annoying Reality Of Babysitting Selfish Parents And Their Dopey Children During The Apocalypse
*CONTAINS SPOILERS and shit* I saw A Quiet Place Part II. The sequel that… I guess no one really asked for but since-the-original-went-over-so-well — why-the-hell-not. It’s one of those situations.
I’m going to say it upfront — I think both films are extremely well-made on a technical level. They’re both genuinely suspenseful… I think John Krasinski is a surprisingly talented director, and when it comes to visual storytelling, most of his ideas are very effective.
But having said that, I have a HUGE problem with both of these movies. It’s just one fatal flaw that ruins the entire experience. It’s a “logic problem” that I have a difficult time removing myself from, and I’m shocked that almost no one brings it up with these movies.
WHY the fuck you going to fuck and have a baby during the apocalypse —? And not just during any apocalypse. You can’t make any noise during this apocalypse… if you make any noise, you’re dead.
I don’t know. Call me cautious. But… You already have 3 kids. And I don’t care if you lost one at the beginning of the first movie — that’s probably a good sign that you shouldn’t have another one. Because as parents, you’re both irresponsible. Or — at least wait until the cloverfield CHUDs with ultra-sensitive hearing are gone from the planet before procreating again. It’s kind of a no-brainer.
The entire 2nd half of the first film revolved entirely around the birth of this new child (Kid 3.5 or whatever) — and was a completely avoidable dilemma. But what do you expect nowadays? No worldwide catastrophe or existential crisis is too big nor scary for humanity’s arrogance when it comes to having children.
A Quiet Place Part II is like an amplified version of why toddlers (unless they’re your own, of course) are annoying in general, along with the inconsiderate parents who like to show up unannounced and impose with them. And with this sequel — ? Well, that short-sighted problem sure does pour over well.
It takes the concept of being trapped with people and their crying baby to unspeakable new lengths of bullshit. Now, because both EBlunt and Jim Halpert’s dumbasses decided to procreate during the middle of a… well, we-still-don’t-know-exactly-what-the-fuck-it-is in all of mankind — and because Krasinki is now dead (typical), courtesy of the first movie — The Blunt must persevere with the newborn baby PLUS their other two children, with one of those children being hearing-impaired.
Now, it’s only within The Blunt’s interest… she’s gotta go and make all that baggage Cillian Murphy’s problem and naturally, he wants none of it — he’s already lost his wife and kids. He’s lost everything. Just leave him alone. Don’t go asking him to save your daughter who — I must also point out that the daughter with the hearing disability, is this franchise’s only resourceful, moderatly intelligent character. And probably the only character that deserves to live. But now — she’s Cillian Murphy’s problem.
It’s like exactly what most people typically do when they have children — they start talking down to other people who don’t have children — as if their reason to live isn’t as justified because they haven’t reproduced… or, they manipulate others into feeling compassion, and if you don’t have compassion for their situation because it contains smaller versions of them that are just as annoying as they are, well, then, you’re incapable of understanding until you have children of your own someday... but it’s more, like, “No — No. I DO understand. That’s why I’ve personally avoided having kids my whole life... and it’s not because I’m careful. I’m really just waiting for some sort of an apocalypse to happen first, before I convince whoever my partner is at the time that — we should have kids now, and then we’ll just make them everyone else’s problem too why’ll they’re all trying to survive the same apocalypse. So what? They’ll all go along with it.”
And they will. They’ll have to. With or without an apocalypse.
It’s like — WHAT in the actual fuck. For two entire movies — I have 0 empathy for Emily Blunt’s character. Fucking. Zero.
The child actors are great though, and I can empathize with their characters. Because — They didn’t ask for any of this bullshit.
It’s a real shame because aesthetically, these are great movies. I think Emily Blunt is an exceptional actress. She only elevates the material of everything she stars in — I really do believe that she’s just THAT good. And she’s bringing her A-Game to these films where she doesn’t even really have to memorize any dialogue — no one’s going to argue with that — even though she’s really just playing the world’s most unintentionally shitty parent.